8th Grade U.S. History

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wed./Thur. Dec. 17 and 18

1. Continue working on the Mini-booklets

Be sure that you do the correct amount of sentences per page.  The picture should be done like a 7th grader, the caption should explain the picture.

Turn in your Mini-Booklet to the tray with the rubric.

Be sure to proofread your work.

If you are totally done,  on your own with headphones, do the day's CNN summary.  And, then do the previous day's summary also.

HW: Be sure your Mini-Booklets are done.  The CNN summaries should be done by Friday.

Monday, December 15, 2014

12/15 and 12/16 M/T

1. Check your Grades, they are up to date as of work turned in by last Friday.

2. CNN student news week 16

3. Correct CNN News from last week  (week 15)

4. Go over Chapter 11 and 12 Worksheets and Ticket

5. Intro to the Judaism and Guys Mini-Booklet

6. Begin work on Mini-booklet

HW: Be done with 3 pages of the Mini-booklet.  We will work on more of it on Wed./Thur and it should be done during the next block.

Friday, December 12, 2014

12/12 Friday

28 minute classes with band assembly/concert in the AM

1. CNN Student News

2. CH. 11 and 12 Review Ticket

HW: Be sure all work is done from W/Th and Fri. - today

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Wed./Thur. 12/10 and 12/11

1. CNN Student News - Do your daily summary well (makes sense, 5Ws, Caps, Punctuate)

2. Read Chapter 11 and do the Think Aloud paper

3. Take Notes on Ch. 11 in workbook pgs. 78-80 - See ELMO notes

4. Read Chapter 12 and fill out the 5W sheet while reading

5. Fill out the Ch. 12 Notes  - Fill in the blank

6. Watch Jerusalem Video

HW: Finish the above paperwork

Monday, December 8, 2014

Mon./Tues. 12-8 and 12-9

*Your grades are up to date with everything graded that has been turned in as of 12-5-15
1. Quick study for test

2. Take Test over Chapters 7-10

3. Correct it??

4. Correct CNN from last week (14)
5. Collect scores

6. Watch CNN and begin week 15

7. Econo-Bingo

HW: Do any missing work - See grades

Friday, December 5, 2014

12-5 Friday

1. Turn in Test Helpers/study guide
2. CNN News
3. Check Test Helper answers

4. Study game

HW: Study for the test

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wed./Thur. 12-3 and 12-4

1. CNN Student News

2. Correct and go over the answers
for the Vocab and Ch. 7/8 WS

3. Do the Chapter 9/10 WS

4. Discuss answers

5. Work on Test Helper - Due Friday when you walk in.

HW: Finish the Test Helper
Test is next Monday/Tuesday - study

Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome Back - Dec. 1 and 2 M/T

*Check in the Week 13 CNN news summaries (Mon. and Tues.)
1. CNN News for Week 14
*Get Papers back
*Check your grades - write down your missing work and gather the work
2. Grade Week 12 and 13 CNN Summaries
3. Review Ch. 10 - 2 New, 2 Int, 1 Question
4. Take Ch. 10 Notes in workbook
5. Review Vocabulary from Ch. 7-10
6. Review Chapters 7-8 WS
*Test over Chapters 7-10 Next Mon./Tues.
HW: Finish above work as needed

Monday, November 24, 2014

Tuesday, 11-24

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family
1. Watch CNN Student News - do the daily summary and turn it in.

2. Watch the Video about the Black Pharaohs of Egypt (The Kushites)

HW: Have the Ch. 10 paper done  (from yesterday) and enjoy family.

SHE day Monday 11-24

*Turn in CNN Week 12, if you did not turn it in last Friday.
1. CNN Summary - Remember to summarize by telling the Who, What, When, Where, Why of the article.  And, to put capital letters and correct punctuation. (?????)

2. Read Chapter 10

3. Do the 2 interesting, 2 new, 1 question papers
   Top = Ch. 10 pages 95-97
   Bottom = Ch. 10 pages 98-99

If done early click on the link below to visit a site that shows the easy and hard places to live in the USA.

4. Share the 2 new, 2 int., 1 Quest. papers

HW: Finish those papers if needed

Hard places to live...

Click on this to discover the hard places to live.

Friday, November 21, 2014

11/21 Friday

1. Quick Study for Map test

2. Take Test - talking, etc... during testing time = detention

3. CNN News Summary

HW: Missing work??

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11/19 and 20 Wed./Th.

1. CNN News and daily review

2. Read Chapter 9 - fill out notes and staple in your workbook

3. Practice Map #5 - grade and remember what you DON'T know

4. More Map practice

HW: Practice for the map quiz, which is on Friday 11-21

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tues. 11-18 SHE day

 *Put last week's CNN review in the tray if needed (week 11)

1. Watch CNN and do a review (Week 12)

2. Take practice map #3

3. Exchange Student Reflection paper

HW: Study for Map quiz, which is this Friday

11-17 Monday Meet in Jane Tasch for Exchange Student Speakers

No work or homework because we were listening to exchange students from Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Holland/Netherlands, Russia, and Germany.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Next Friday 11/21 = Map Quiz

11-14 Friday

*Go to the Jane Tasch Theater for class on Monday. No ELA that day. Tues. = SHE day
You won't need anything in the Jane Tasch Theater. No snacks allowed - you will  survive :-)

1. CNN Student News reviews - daily review and weekly review

2. Finish the M. East coloring and labeling

3. Pratice Map #1  (map #2 on the back for home pratice

4. Is all your work in??

HW: CNN student news reviews due on Monday (turn in today if you have it)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11-12 and 13 Wed./Thur.

* We will have exchange student speakers next Monday in the Jane Tasch Theater. Go there on Monday instead of the classrooms (Mrs. Elmy and Mr. McHugh's classes for the whole block time.
*Tues. = SHE - See History and English

1. CNN News

2. Turn in Ch. 8  - 5W worksheet

3. Become an expert in Ch. 8 on one topic

4. Share your info. with the smaller groups  .....workbook pgs. 61-64

5. Do pg. 65 in workbook

6. Read Ch. 9  We will read Ch. 9 on Friday

7. Color and Label Middle East Map - Due Tuesday.

HW: Label map at home

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11-11 Veterans Day

Mrs. Peach 
1. Discuss Veterans Day
2. Read Chapter 8 and do a 5W paper
3.  Watch CNN Student News - do reviews

HW: Do CNN reviews if needed

Monday, November 10, 2014

11-10 Monday SAC shortened schedule like a Friday

*Hand in work book - listen to location
1. Grade last week's CNN reviews and Ch. 7 work - 2 interesting things

2. Take Political Poll - research at least one topic by clicking "learn more"

Take this political test to determine if you are a republican or a democrat.

3. Watch CNN new and do review

HW: No

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, 11-7

1. Finish Map on pg. 51 of workbook

2. Finish mapping paragraph writings on pg. 54-57 on workbook (you should be done)

3. Watch CNN news - write daily and weekly reviews

4. Finalize Meet me @ map (most classes don't need to)

4.Take this political test to determine if you are a republican or a democrat.

HW: Be sure the workbook pgs. 51 and 54-57 are done, Be sure CNN reviews are done by Monday

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wed./Thur. 11-5 and 6

*Turn in the 2 Interesting things, 2 New things, 1 Question paper to the tray

1. Ch. 7 notes in workbook - fill in H's on pg. 54 and 56 of workbook
and then write paragraphs for pages 55 and 57 in workbook
    Look at page 68-71 in the text to guide you

2. Do CNN student news review on own -

With whole group:
3. Meet me at map #2...

4. Pg. 50-51 of workbook. Look at 63 to guide you.

HW: Finish all of the above...    we will finish this on Friday

Monday, November 3, 2014

Mon./Tues November 3/4

1. Read Chapter 7 with Summary paper (Interesting Things Paper)

2. New Seats

3. Review last week’s CNN papers

4. CNN Student News with summary paper

 Good Luck with Basketball tryouts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peeYthGlNfM

If time, #5 and 6
5. New “Meet me @ Map”

6. Start of the Geography Challenge for Unit 2       Page 50-51 in the workbook (mapping Egypt and Caanan)

Homework: Finish the Interesting Things Paper for Ch. 7

Friday, October 31, 2014

Boo, Oct. 31, Friday

1. CNN student news.  Be sure to fill out the back of the News Paper. 

2. Turn in the paper finished

3. Mission #2 for the www.GeniRevolution.org

HW: Mission #2??

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

W/Th 10-29 and 10-30

1. Economics Quiz

2. CNN student News - take notes

3. Egyptian Pyramid theories in groups

4. Independent Pyramid research

5. www.genirevolution.org  Finish Mission 1 by today.
  Friday we will do CNN and Mission #2

HW: Do you need to finish the Genirevolution?

Monday, October 27, 2014

10-27 and 28 Mon./Tues.

1. CNN News - and take notes on one article (keep paper)

2. Correct the test, if needed

3. Record scores

4. Get papers back

5. Check grades

6. Do Mission 1 for Genirevolution.org

7. Economics Info. for Wed./Thur. quiz

HW: Know the Econ terms and info. for Wed./Thur.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, 10-24

1. Quick study for Test
      Be sure to double check contributions for Babylon and Neo-Babylon

2. Take test

Next week: Genirevolution Econ and Short Econ quiz Wednesday

HW: No, unless you have missing work

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday -10-23

 SHE day (See History and English, but block your math and science as normal)

1. Turn in your Test Helper - Both sides should be done

2. Watch CNN student news

3. Study time and time for checking answers

4. Class game to review

Hw: Yes, study with a friend or family member - test is tomorrow, Friday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday- 10-22 See History and English day (SHE - Day)

The front of your Test Helper should be done. 

1. Go to http://www.genirevolution.org/

2. "Join the Revolution" and Sign up - carefully by clicking on the girl's face (upper left hand corner)

3. Study Time

HW: Test helper should have both sides done on Thursday - when walking in to class.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mon./Tues. 0ct. 20 and 21

Week's Agenda: https://drive.google.com/a/pinckneypirates.org/file/d/0B83sLiJKM4Yhc29ReEphODVreUE/view?usp=sharing

1. CNN student News

2. Go over the Ch. 6 Think Aloud

3. Research and Share Hammurabi Code of Laws

4. Begin Chapter 4-6 Test Helper   Front is due Wednesday (SAC), Front and Back is Due Thur.

5. Work Time

HW: Test Helper: Front due Wed.  Back is due Thur.

Friday, October 17, 2014

10-17 Friday

FYI: Test over Chapters 4-6 next Friday

1. Take Notes on Chapter 6 in the workbook - pages 40-43

2. Write the notes that are underlined and bolded.

3. Draw something in the "rock steles" that relates to that contribution. Colors not needed, but do the drawings like a 7th grader. :-)

4. Watch CNN news

HW: Be sure notes and drawings on Steles are done

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10-15 and 10-16 W/TH

1. Finish your research of the Sumerian Artifacts

2. Do Chapter 5 WS

3. Go over the Ch. 5 WS

4. Read Chapter 6

5. Do Think Aloud Paper for Chapter 6

6. Go over the Think Aloud Papers

7. If time, read and review this article. How does it affect the economy?

HW: Be sure Ch. 6 think aloud papers are done

Monday, October 13, 2014

10-13 and 10-14 M/T

1. Research the Nobel Prizes at  http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/12/world/nobel-prize-fast-facts/index.html

2. CNN Student News

3. Review the Chapter 5 WPS papers

4. Take Notes on Ch. 5 -Characteristics of a civilization


Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, 10-10

32 minute classes - Mr. Peace assembly

1. Mr. McHugh will be grading your Chapter 4 notes and pictures

2. Read Chapter 5  and do Word, Phrase, Sentence paper (WPS)

3. Do late and/or missing work

4. CNN news if you have everything done

HW: Be sure the Chapter 5 WPS paper is done

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wed./Thur. Oct. 8 and 9

1. Discuss the 5W  (Who, what, when, where, why) paper for Chapter 5.
   Share it with your Munich Partner, then each student shares one thing from their paper.

2. Hand in the 5W papers

3. Watch 20 minutes of the Cities and Villages video
    Use the guide and write down answers as you hear them.

4. Take Chapter 4 notes in the workbook - pg. 28-29..... see notes
     Be sure to leave 1/2 of each box for a picture

5. Do pictures to go with those notes.  (Quality picture 1st, color 2nd)

6. If Time, Watch CNN student news

7. If time, watch more of the "Towns and Villages" video.   Hand in your notes from the Video.

HW: Be sure the notes and the pictures are done for Ch. 4 on Friday before you walk in

Monday, October 6, 2014

M/T 10/6 and 10/7

1. Go over the Chapter 1-3 tests if we have not already

2. First Farmer Video

3. Read Chapter 4 - do the 5W sheet while reading

4. Economics of supply and demand
     Do it alone, discuss it in a small group, then large group

5. More of the Farmer Video, if time

HW: Be sure the Ch. 4 -5W sheet is done

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday, Oct. 3

1. Study a couple minutes for the test

2. Turn in Test Helper

3. Take Test

HW: Enjoy the weekend

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wed./Thur. 10/1 and 10/2 Welcome to October

1. Check your Social Studies grades

2. Watch CNN New

3. Hand in your Test Helper (Study guide). Front of it should be totally done.

4. Work time on back of test helper

5. Double check answers

6. Study activity as a class.

HW: Study for the Quiz over Ch. 1-3 on Friday

Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29 and 9/30 Mon./Tues.

1. Discuss and evaluate the Hominid website worksheet
    Turn it in.

2. Read Chapter 3

3. Take Chapter 3 notes

4. Begin Study Guide for Chapters 1-3

HW: Finish at least the front of the Study Guide by Wed./Thur.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, Sept. 26

*Chapter 1-3 quiz next Friday over notes and reading.   And a couple economic terms will be on it also.

1. Finish Notes for Chapter 1 and 2 in workbook

2. Work on computer research of Hominids.  See link on the side>>

HW: Work on the hominid research online.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9/24 and 25 Wed./Th.

1. Hand in your assignment - 5W paper for Ch. 2

2. Read about Tween news - See link on side
     Share articles

3. New Seating Chart

4. Review Ch. 2 Reading and 5W paper

5. Take Notes on Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 in workbook

6. Read Ch. 3

FYI: Chapter 1-3 quiz next Friday with Economics (a few concepts)
This Friday - bring your computer- You will be doing Hominid research online

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mon./Tues. 9-22 and 23

1. Get Social St. numbers
2. Hand in the WPS Chapter 1 paper

3. CNN Student News

4. Review Ch. 1 reading

5. Download book onto your computer (must be logged in at school to do it)
  Log in and go to Student Apps, then 7-8, then History Alive, then 7th grade, then click on it and put it on your desktop

6. Read Chapter 2 and use the 5W paper

HW: Be sure the Ch. 2  5 W paper is done by Wed./Th.

Friday, September 19, 2014

9/19 Friday

1. Take World Map quiz

2. Finish the Ch. 1 reading and worksheet

3. Go to http://www.constitutioncenter.org/education  and read about the U.S. constituiton

HW: Be sure the CH. 1 worksheet is done for M/T

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9/17 and 9/18 W/Th

1. CNN Student News

2. Geography Challenge in workbook pgs. 4-7

3. Be sure your workbook is decorated/personalized by Friday 9/19

4. Read Chapter 1 and do a Word, Phrase Sentence (WPS)

5. Map practice - Quiz on Friday

HW: Study for map quiz (Friday) and finish the Ch. 1 Papers due M/T

Monday, September 15, 2014

9-15 and 16 M/T

1. Hand in Maps from last Friday labeled

2. Take a practice map quiz - real quiz is Friday

3. Correct it... get practice map #2 for home practice

4. Do the Pre-test (non graded) - answer questions the best you can.  There will a Post -test in May (Graded)

5. Begin Geography Challenge in the workbook

6. Watch CNN student news if time.

HW: Study for the World map quiz on Friday

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, 9-12

1. Fill out world maps - quiz over this material next Friday

2. Put up I will statements

3. Should we arm the Syrian rebels?

HW: Be sure map is filled out and begin studying for quiz over this next Friday

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sept. 10 and 11

1. Watch CNN news

2. Share your parents 911 info.  .....report out.

3. Watch "I will remember video"

4. Fill out I will remember and/or I will thank....
5. Go over the grading policy for social studies
6.  Star Spangled Banner - History.  It was written on 9/14/1814  Celebrate by wearing red, white, and blue on Thursday
6. Decorate workbooks
7. Favorite parts of the textbook??

HW: Wear red, white and blue on Thursday

Monday, September 8, 2014

9-8 and 9-9 M/T Block

1. Draw a map of the world freehand

2. Sept. 11 Video and Why?

3. Fill out Bathroom Passes - explain how they will be used

4. Get Books and workbooks
         a. Fill out pink paper
         b. Write IN INK, your name in the textbook
         c. Decorate your workbook

5. Meet me at map

Talk to your parents about 9-11
Thursday = red white and blue day      
       9-11 patriot day and 200th anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner

Friday, 9/5

1. Go over school handbook
2. Finish presenting name cards
3. What is ISIS? (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria)
3. CNN Student News

HW: No

2nd and 3rd day 9/3-9/4

Irish Pirate Team activity in the LGI
Day 1 = Handbook
Day 2 = Icebreakers

Block Class time (60 min.)

1. Get into Alpha seating chart

2. Finish name cards

3. Begin presenting the name cards

HW: No

1st day of school 9-2

1. Roll call
2. Intro with slideshow
3. Start name tags

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday, June 5 - the last full day - SAC

1.  Do we need to finish Mulan?  4th, 5th, 6th hours?

2. CNN News

3.  Hand out Social Studies awards

4. Pass back corrected papers

5. Year Book Signing time

HW: See you tomorrow

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4 SAC Day

1. Continue with Mulan

2. CNN news

HW: No, Thursday will be a yearbook signing party.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Mon./Tues. June 2 and 3

1. Check grades and emails

2. CNN News

3. Go over last Friday's test

4. Turn in books

5. Mulan the movie

HW: ?Do you have anything missing from last week?

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, Advisory day

1. Quick study for Roman quiz

2. Take quiz

HW: No,  But you may do any missing work from this week and turn in next Monday/Tuesday

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5/28 and 29 W/Th

1. Turn in the Ch. 36-37 worksheet

2. CNN News

3. Correcct and go over the Ch. 36-37 WS

4. Time to work on the Roman Survey/Test Helper

5. Study for Friday quiz

HW: Study for Friday's Roman Quiz

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, See All Classes

Tues. = SAC
Wed./Thur. = Blocks
Fri.= Advisory and SAC
Lewinski and Blanchard are T/W Block and Th/F Block

1. Roman Video about Christianity in Rome  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG55ErfdaeY

2. Do worksheet for Chapters 36-37

3. Get study guide for Rome quiz which is on Friday of this week

HW: Finish the Ch. 36-37 worksheet due: Wed./Th.

Friday, May 23, 2014

5/23 Friday

1.  Turn in the Ch. 34-35 worksheet

2. CNN News 

3. Go over the Big Test Results

4. Go over the Ch. 34-35 worksheet

HW: Get some sun!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, 5/22

1. Hand in Crossword test helper, if you have not already

2. Take Big Test

3. When done, read Ch. 36 and 37

4. When all students are done, you can work on the Ch. 34 and 35 picture worksheet

HW: Ch. 34-35 picture worksheet are due tomorrow

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wed. 5/21 See All Classes

1. Review activity for Big Final Test

2. You should have your crossword puzzle out during the game.

3. The Ch. 34-35 drawings, etc... are due on Friday

HW: STUDY STUDY STUDY  Test is Thursday

Monday, May 19, 2014

5/19 and 20 Mon./Tue.

This week is M/T = Block, Wed. SAC (See All Classes), Thur. SAC, Fri. Advisory and SAC

*Thursday will be the big test

1. Turn in drawings and crossword puzzles

2. Read Chapters 34 and 35

3. Review and present Ch. 32-33 drawings

4. Do drawings for Ch. 34 and 35

5. Correct Cross word puzzle and review for big Test

HW: Continue with Ch. 34-35 drawings (Due Fri) and study for test on Thursday (100 pts.) and, yes, it is a grade in your grade book.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, Advisory 5/16

1. Continue working on the Chapter 32-33 drawings
       ADD COLOR

2. Continue working on the Test Helper for next week's Big Test.

HW: Finish the Drawings and the Test Helper - yes both sides.  Use your book, all the answers are in there.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5/14 and 5/15 Wed./Th.

1. Goofy and Good video about Rome

2. Turn in Workbook - Geog. Challenge

3. Read Chapters 32 and 33

4. Drawings for Ch. 32 and 33

5. Test Helper for End of year test (not including Rome)

HW: Drawings and Test helper due Monday/Tuesday

Monday, May 12, 2014

5/12 and 13 Mon./Tues.

1. Quick study time and turn in Test Helpers
2. China Quiz

3. Roman Survey - What do you know?

4. Rome Geog. Challenge in workbook

5. CNN news if time

HW: Finish the Roman Geog. Challenge

Friday, May 9, 2014

5/9 Friday

1. Turn in the China Summary/Test Helper Sheet

2. Quick CNN news

3. Finish the Test Helper....

HW: Quiz on Mon./Tues.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

5/7 and 8

1. Take the part 2 of the State Test

2. When done, read, review, and fill out the worksheet for Chapter 22, 23, and 24

3. Review that paper

4. Work on the China Summary and Test Helper paper

HW: Finish the 2 papers above to be done on Friday, tomorrow

Monday, May 5, 2014

5/5 and 5/6 M/T

1. Take the Interim Assessment Test - Like a practice for next year's MEAP like test

2. When Done, Read Chapter 22 and 23 (24,if you have time)

3. Chapter 21 Homework Check

4. Read and Review Chapters 22-23

* Final China quiz on Friday. Mon./Tues.  Then we move into Rome after that.

HW: Chapter 22- 23 Reading

Friday, May 2, 2014

5/2/14 Advisory Friday

1.  China Economy overtaking the US economy video

2. Continue work on workbook pages 140-142

3. Read Ch. 22 -

HW: Be sure pg. 140-142 is done and talk to your parents about 143

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

W/Th April 30 and May 1

1. Map out the Dynasties in the workbook pg. 129 and pg. 181 in textbook

2. Practice a state test, which will be next week.

3. Read Ch. 21 and do pgs. 140-142 in the workbook

Turn in workbooks for pg. 130-133 to be graded.

HW: Finish above if needed

Monday, April 28, 2014

M/T 4/28 and 29

1. India Re-test
   Hand in Test Helper if you did not do that previously

2. Correct it

3. Earth Day Summaries

4. Read about Chinese Dynasties and play game

HW: Read Ch. 21

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25

1. Look at Test Helpers - get correct answers if needed.

2. Study Game for the India Test on Mon./Tues.

HW: Study for India Test.  Be sure you are done with pg. 130-133 in the workbook.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

4-23 and 4-24 W/Th

1. Continue work on the China Maps.   Be sure to cut, glue, and fill out the data sheets fully.  Draw and list the natural vegetation and physical features.

2. Work on the workbook questions that go with the map - workbook pages 130-133

3. If time, go to the Earth Day links and read and share what it is about. Scroll on your computer to a previous post below this post.

*Friday will we cover Earth day and study for the India Retest which will be on Mon./Tues.

HW: Finish the workbook pages and study again for the test

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mon./Tues. 4/20 and 21

1. Review the India Tests - hand them back in. 

2.  Hand back papers.  FYI there are 7 weeks left! 

3. Begin Work on China 3D maps - cut small pieces of cardboard and glue to the papers. Be sure to read the directions on the papers.

4. When done, Read Chapter 19 and answer the questions in the workbook about the map you built.

5. Split up the duties and then go to the websites.  Read, inter-act, and report out.

HW: Finish the items above. 

Earth Day websites

Earth day is Tuesday, April 21

Lots of information about climate change in China at: http://www.greenpeace.org/eastasia/campaigns/climate-energy/

Earth Day Footprint calculator: http://www.earthday.org/footprint-calculator

If there is a 5th person: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/04/20/climate-change-new-online-tools/7739415/

Split up your group and have each person read and review one of these sites.  Be prepared to report out what information you found out.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Friday, 4/11

1. 2-3 minutes to study
2. Hand in the test helpers

3. Take Test - Please only write on the answer sheet and not the test booklet.

HW: Have a great break

Wed./Th. 4-9 and 10

1. Time to work on the Test Helper.  You should keep this until test day - Friday, April 11.   You will hand it in on Friday.
2. Videos on India:
This one is all about the Gupta Empire. 8:49

This one is about Ashoka.  2:29

3.   Face Off game - Boys vs. Girls

4.   Here is another one about the Gupta Empire, decent, but not as good as the 1st one.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaXWsodnyyg           Optional to watch this.  7:30.

HW: Study for the Test on Friday   Test Helper is due when you walk into class on Friday.

Monday, April 7, 2014

M/T 4/7 and 8

*India Quiz on Friday

1. Grade 106 in workbook

2. Read and Review Chapter 16 - Buddhism

3. Mr. McHugh will grade pg. 104-5 in workbook (ch. 15 notes)

4. Take Ch. 16 notes into workbook

5. Read Chapter 17 and 18 - take 5 notes on those chapter - see board

6. Get Test Helper for India quiz - work time on W/TH and it will due on Friday.

HW: Begin studying and preparing for India Test

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday advisory, 4/4/14

FYI: The invisible spray and the disappearing key were both April Fools jokes.   I fell for them!

FYI #2: India quiz next Friday, April 11.

1. Finish the Ch. 15 notes

2. Do pg. 106 in the workbook - all in 3 or more words - read the directions

3. Read Ch. 16 Buddhism

HW: Finish the above work

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2 and 3 Wed./Thur.

1.   Buddhism and Hinduism Skits

2. Invisibility spray video

3. Hand in/ Correct the Ch. 13 India mapping and the CH. 14 - Mohenjodaro papers

4. Read Ch. 15 - Hinduism
      - Take Notes pg. 103 in workbook

IF TIME:  Read Ch. 16 Buddhism  Take Notes on  - Expert sections

HW: Be sure late/absent work is done.

Monday, March 31, 2014

M/T 3/31 and April 1 (No foolin')

1. Read and Review Ch. 13 - Geography of India

2. Do the worksheet of picking places and drawing

3. Read and Review Ch. 14 -Mohenjodaro

4. Do the Worksheet  - drawing and visiting Mohenjodaro

5. Practice the Buddhism and Hinduism Plays and perform, if time

6. Review the religions

HW: Finish all of the above due the next class

Friday, March 28, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3/26 and 27 Wed./Thur.

1. Drop box your final paper and then print to printer # ______

2. India Survey - What do you know?

3. Read and share your papers in groups.  Pick the best one to share

4. Grade/ evaluate the Greek Time Machine Writing

5. Check pg. 90-91 in workbook

6. Read Chapter 13

7. If time, CNN News

HW: Read Chapter 13

Monday, March 24, 2014

Mon./Tues. 3-24 and 25 BLOCK

1. Dropbox your writings

2. India Map work - pg. 90-91 in workbook and pg. 121 in textbook

3. Revise Writings - Dropbox final writings before Wed./Thur.

4. India Video - Link on the right or below

HW: Finish the India Map and the Greek Writing Final FINAL

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday, 3/21, 1/2 day

1. Continue your time machine writing
 -Due Mon./Tues.  when you walk in you will dropbox it.

HW: Finish the writing

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3/19 and 20 BLOCK W/TH

1. News update - Crimea and the airplane

2. Intro to the Greek Time Machine writing
     Writing time

3. Grading the Ch. 31 notes

4. Olympic contest??

HW: Continue working on the writing - Friday writing, Monday/Tues.  dropbox it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, See All Classes

*Check emails and grades

**New Seats

1. Read Chapter 31 -Greece's influence on the modern world

2. Olympic contests - Drawing and flying

3. Chapter 31 worksheet

HW: Finish the Ch. 31 WS

Monday, March 17, 2014

Regular Schedule Today 3-17 Happy St. Patrick's day

We will begin each class with a presentation from Mr. Ray regarding the 8th grade classes for next year. After the presentation we will head back to class for a shortened schedule.  20-30 minute classes.

*Be sure you have checked your emails and grades as the end of the quarter is on Friday.   Any late or absent work needs to be in by Wednesday/Thursday blocks.

1. Review Chapters 29 and 30 - Socrates and Alexander the Great WS.

2. Chapter 31 reading and review

HW: Finish the Socrates and Alex the Great WS

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday, March 14 Advisory Day

1. Finish the Ch. 28 Notes -

2. Read Chapter 29 and 30 and answer questions

3. Olympic Contest???

HW: Finish reading

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3/13 and 14 Thur. and Fri.

3/12 Wed. = Snow day #9

1.  Chapter 27 notes questions - you can use your workbook, but not text

2. Chapter 28 reading and review

3. Ch. 28 notes in workbook

4. Olympic Contest, IF TIME

HW: Finish the Ch. 28 notes

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10 and 11 M/T

1 week until St. Patrick's day

1. Chapter 27 review and notes in workbook pg. 176 - 179 (Athens vs. Sparta)

2. Read Chapter 28 - review paper

3. Ch. 28 Notes - answer the 2-3 questions for each battle and circle a guy.

4. Olympic Contest

hand out papers

5. CNN News

HW: Finish work from today if needed.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

W/Th 3-5 and 6

1. Dropbox vocab (yes, I gave you another day)

2. Review Chapter 26 - Think Aloud

     Grade your workbook pgs. 166-169 (map and notes)

3. Study for Vocabulary Quiz on Friday

4. Read Chapter 27 with Worksheet: Word/Phrase/Sentence

5. Olympic contests

HW: Study for vocab quiz over Ch. 25-31

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mon./Tues. 3-3 and 3-4

DROPBOX your vocabulary Chapter 25-31
*Quiz on Friday over vocabulary

1. Notes in workbook for Ch. 25

2. Read Ch. 26

3. Get into City-state groups

4. Contests - and pick your city-state groups

5. CNN News - Ukraine

HW: Read Chapter 26 and be sure notes for Ch. 25 are done

Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, Feb. 28 Advisory day

1. Continue work on the workbook pg. 166-7 the Greek mapping - Geography Challenge.

2. Start and finish the Vocabulary work on the Ch. 25-31 vocab words. There are 27 words.

HW: Finish both for Mon./Tues

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feb. 26 and 27 W/TH

1.  What did you learn in the video about Jesse Owens?

2. CNN News

3. Read Ch. 25 - summary papers

4. Geography Challenge for Greece -  Map activity for Greece -
      pg. 166-167 in workbook and pg. 245 in textbook

5. Begin the Ch 25-31 Vocabulary - Due Monday/Tuesday

HW: Finish the work above - summary papers, Geog. Challenge, and Vocab

Monday, February 24, 2014

M/T 2/24 and 25

1. Study for test - review

2. Turn in Test Helper

3. Take Test  Ch. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12

4. Watch video about Jesse Owens, Hitler's problems with Jewish people and African Americans

5.  Do missing work from Social Studies during the video

HW: No

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2/19 and 20 W/Th

1. Check grades  - note missing work

2. Hand back papers

3. Hand in Test Helper

4. Ukrainian actions - role play

5. CNN Student News

6. Ch. 12 worksheet

7. Study for Test on Friday (Ch. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 )

HW: Study for test

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, Feb. 14

1.  Work on the Test Helper

2. Be sure your answers are correct.

3.  If done, study with another person.

HW:  Finish the test helper

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2/12 and 13 W/TH

1. CNN Student News

2. Correct the 4 Guy Pamphlets

3. Begin the Test helper...  Test is next Friday Feb. 21

4. Correct the Ch. 7 and 8 WS, Ch. 12 WS, hand in the Ch. 12 "24 word summaries"

Looking ahead:
Fri - Review and Test Helper work
M/T - Days off
W/TH- Review for Unit 2 Test
F - Unit 2 Quiz   (Ch. 7,8,9, 11,12 - Not Ch. 10)

HW: Finish Test Helper by Wed./Thur.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Feb. 10 and 11 M/T

1. Finalize the pamphlets/brochures
      Be sure your name and hour are on them.
      Dropbox them when done asap in class. (Mr. McHugh will print them)
      If doing it by hand, turn it into the tray

2. Do the Chapter 7 and Ch. 8 worksheets.  These are review as we begin prepping for the upcoming unit test.

3. Read Ch. 12  (yes, really read it)

4. Do 24 word summary for pages  Top for pgs. 111-113 and bottom for pgs. 114-117

5. Do the fill in the blanks for the Chapter 12 notes

6. Watch CNN or read the news IF done with all of the above.

7. Share the news with the class

HW: Finish all of the work above

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, 2/7

1. Continue working on the 4 guy Pamphlet

It is due Mon./Tues.  

If doing it on computer, I will coordinate the printing next week.  Dropbox it when done.

HW: Finish the pamphlet

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2/5 and 2/6 Wed./Thur.

1. Finalize and dropbox the Vocab, if needed

2. Check or hand in the Ch. 11 Think Aloud

3. Check the pg. 78-80 workbook pages

4. Intro to the 4 guy pamphlet -    Due Mon./Tues.

HW: Continue work on the 4 guy pamphlet.

Monday, February 3, 2014

2/3 and 2/4 M/T


1. Super bowl review - game, ads, etc...

2. Review the Egypt and Kush info. from Friday

3. Turn it in

4. Do the Chapter 11-12 definitions, pictures and how the pictures relate - dropbox when done.

5. Read Chapter 11

6. Do Think Aloud for Ch. 11

7. Do Chapter 11 notes in the workbook - pg. 78-80

HW: Finish all of the above

Friday, January 31, 2014

1. Correct Chapter 9 WS

2. Super Bowl Poll

3. Write down 5 new things from Egypt
    Write down 5 new things from Kush

4. Mummy video

HW: Finish the 5 and 5 writings

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mon and Thur/Jan. 27 and 30 BLOCKs, SNOW COLD days 1-28 and 1-29

1. A few minutes to study with your flashcards

2. Put your names on the packet of flashcard - staple them if needed.  Turn them into the tray.

3. Take quiz over Ch. 7-10 vocabulary

4. Correct it

5. Evaluate the Social Class comparison papers

6. CNN What is going on in the Ukraine??  Why?  What would you do?

7. Do Chapter 9 worksheet

8. Egypt info....

9. New Seats

HW: No, but be sure Ch. 9 WS is done

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jan. 22 and 23

1. Finish the Ch. 9 notes from Elmo

2. Why did the Egyptians drink beer?

3. Do paragraph and drawings comparing the social classes in Egypt

4. Do flash cards for the Ch. 7-10 vocab   = Quiz Friday

HW: Study for quiz

Monday, January 20, 2014

1-20 and 1-21 M/T

1. Check your grades

2. CNN News

3. Get papers back

4. Should we have school today?  Why?  Why not?
   If we don't have it, then we will need to go to school an extra day or add about 5 minutes to each day of the school year.
    What makes him special?

5. Discuss pg. 65 in the workbook

6. Read Chapter 9

7. Do the Chapter 9 Notes

8. Study for the Vocab quiz on Friday

HW: Study and be sure to be done with all above work

Friday, 1/17 - half day

1. Watch and discuss the video: Lemonade Stand

2. Fill out paper to go with it and discuss

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wed./Thur. Jan. 15 and 16

1. Dropbox your vocabulary work

2. Read the news online or listen to CNN student news if you have headphones.  Look to the right for the links >>>>>>>>>>

3. Geography Bee

4. Read Chapter 8

5. Do 24 word essay/summary - Top of page = pg. 73-75, bottom of page = pg. 76-79

6. Share essays

7. Do Chapter 8 notes in workbook - pg. 61-64

8. Do pg. 65 in workbook

9. Read Chapter 9

10. If time, begin Ch. 9 notes

HW: BE sure all of Ch. 8 work is done and Reading of Ch. 9

Monday, January 13, 2014

Jan. 13 and 14 M/T

1. Finalize details for Pg. 54-57 and pg. 58
  Name on pg. 54
  Underline words used
  Number the sentences (Each should have 5 total on 55 and 57)
  Use Captitals to start and punctuation to end
  On pg. 58
     MI Map
     4 labels
     Stick figures where they 1st settled
    3 Sentence paragraph about why they settled there
    Underline words used

2. Ch. 7-10 Vocab on computer.  Dropbox it when done. Quiz next week over the words

3. When done, Read Chapter 8

HW: Finish the vocab

Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10 Advisory schedule

1. Pg. 58 in the workbook - Why did the 1st settlers settle in certain spots in Michigan?
   Follow the directions.

2. Be sure to write the paragraph at the bottom

3. Be sure pg. 54-57 are done with paragraphs written on pg. 55 and 57.

4. Geography Bee

5. If time, CNN news

HW: Be sure all above work is done for Mon./Tues.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday, Jan. 9 See All Classes

1. Write/draw Egyptian Heiroglyphics - 5 words to describe your break - not in sentence form.

2. Finish doing the paragraphs from before break for workbook pages 55 and 57.  Also, be sure pg. 54 and 56 are done.

3. Geography Bee

HW: Finish the paragraphs  (should be done in class)