8th Grade U.S. History

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Th./Fri 1-31 and Feb. 1

1. Greece Geography Challenge  - pg. 166-167 in workbook

2. Read Ch. 25

3. Reading notes onto paper and then into the workbooks

4. Turn in and discuss (if time) the Anti-Semitism worksheets

HW: Finish the Geog. Challenge and the reading notes in the workbook

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1-29 and 30 T/W

1. Correct the Diaspora worksheet

2. Roots of Anti-Semitism Vocabulary

3. Anti-semitism Reading

4.  Anti-Semitism WS

5. Greek Geography Challenge - pg. 166-167 in the workbook

HW: Finish the Geography Challenge

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fri. 1-25 half day

1. Guest speaker

2. Finish Diaspora worksheet- see example, especially 1st and 2nd hr.

3. CNN StUdent News

Hw: finish the diaspora worksheet. And, have a great weekend

Thur. 1-24

1. Grades are final for 2nd quarter.  Be sure it is an accurate grade.

2. When printing pamphlet choose 2 sided - you can only print ONCE.

Turn in Hand done ones.

3. Read Chapter 12

4. Do Diaspora worksheet - skip one letter if you want.

HW: Read and do Diaspora WS

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

T/W Block 1-22 and 23

1. Restart computer, check grades and emails

2. Be sure you log onto the server.

3. Directions for the 4-Guy Pamphlet
    Paper option
    Computer option

Layered Curriculum
A = do the cover + 4 guys
B = cover + 3 guys
C = cover + 2 guys

4. Teachers will grade the Ch. 11 notes, pg. 78-80 in workbook

5. If done, read Ch. 12, do Ch. 12 assignment

Hw: Get the pamphlet done

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday, Jan. 18 Advisory day

1. MLK Jr. Video and discussion

2. CNN student news

Monday = School day off
Tues./Wed.  = 4 Guy Pamphlet work day

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

W/Th 1-16 and 17

1. Correct the Ch. 9 Writing and drawings

2. Correct Ch. 10 WS (1 side should be done)

3. Correct the CH. 11 Think Aloud

4. Ch. 11 Write notes into workbook - pg. 78-80

5. Begin 4-Guy Pamphlet

HW: 4-Guy Pamphlet is Due MON/Tues.  - Work day Friday

Monday, January 14, 2013

M/T Jan. 14 and 15

1. Intros for Ms. Mason

2. Discuss pg. 65 school pyramid

3. Ch. 9 Writing and drawing work - Due Wed./Th.

4. Read Ch. 10  - Do worksheet

5. Read Ch. 11 with worksheet

6. If time, CNN news

HW: Be sure Ch. 9 WS done, Ch. 10 WS, Ch. 11 WS - All should be done in class, but finish if not done.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fri 1-11-13

1.  Handout Papers

2. Grade the Ch. 9 Reading Notes - WS filling in blanks

3. Grade Ch. 9 Pre-reading WS 

3. Introductions

4. CNN News????

HW: Nothing new - any late or missing work?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wed./Thur. 1-9 and 10

1.  Do name papers and intros

2. Correct the notes - teacher looks

3. Pg. 65 in workbook - school pyramid

4. Chapter 9 Pre-reading worksheet

5. Read Ch. 9

6. Do Ch. 9 Reading notes WS

7. ?? Start Ch. 9 writing and drawings??

HW: Ch. 9 pre-reading WS, Ch. 9 reading, Ch. 9 notes.....These should all be done in class

Monday, January 7, 2013

Jan. 7 and 8 M/T

Welcome to Ms. Mason - our student teacher

1. Restart computer and check grades

2. Check the MI maps - put on wall

3. Write 10 things about the Pyramid movie from Friday before break

4. Review the Ch. 8 think alouds

5. Chapter 8 notes

HW: Finish the notes