8th Grade U.S. History

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wed. / Thur. 12/18 and 19

1. Finish pg. 50-51 in the workbook    If done, go to CNN news or Tween news to the right>>>>

2. Pg. 53 in workbook  -Environmental factors

3. Read Chapter 7 - Summarize each page

4. Pg. 54-57 map notes

5. You write paragraphs for pg. 55 and 57

HW: Finish pg. 55 and 57 and all of the above

Monday, December 16, 2013

M/T 12/16 and 17

1. Geography Bee questions

2. Go over the World Organizations and decide on the best one.

3. Egypt and Canaan intro

4. Workbook pages 50-51

5. Tween Tribune news >>>>look to the right.

HW: Check with Mr. McHugh

Friday, December 13, 2013

12-13 Advisory Friday

1. Finish your info on the organizations

2. Fill out paper comparing organizations.

HW: Finish the comparison, if needed

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wed. /Thur. 12-11 and 12

1. Last minute studying for Ch. 4-6 test

2. Turn in Tests Helpers

3. Take Ch. 4-6 Test

4. When all are done, investigate Current events at the right on the internet:
UN      NATO       OPEC       EU      AU      G8  

5. Report out about those topics

HW: No

Monday, December 9, 2013

Dec. 9 and 10

1. Watch the video about newly found hominid from 400,000 years ago.

2. Watch CNN Student news

3. Is your Test Helper Done?  I will check to see.

4. Double Check your answers

5. Once done, Study with partner.

6. Study Activity.

HW: Study for the test, which is on Wed./Thur. (Dec. 11/12)

Friday, December 6, 2013

12-6 Friday advisory day

1. Continue work on the Test Helper

2. I will check to make sure the 1st side is done

3. Video about Nelson Mandela - CNN news

4. 400,000 year old fossil - video

HW: Have both sides of the Test Helper DONE when you walk in on Mon./Tues.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wed./Thur. 12/4 and 12/5

New Ch. 4-6 Test date - Next Wed/Thur.   Dec.11/ 12

1. New Seats

2. Grade Chapter 6 worksheet

3. Grade Chapter 5 worksheet

4. Video of the end of the Stone Age

5. Get Test Helper - Work time

6. CNN?? if time

HW: Work on the Test Helper

Monday, December 2, 2013

Coming up: Chapter 4-6 test next week Monday/Tuesday
Wed./Thur. Finalize Ch. 6  and do Review for Test
Friday = Study day

FYI: I am staying after on Tues. and Thur. of this week for retakes

1. Read Ch. 6 (Review it if you have REALLY read it)

2. Do a 24 word summary for pgs. 51-55
and WPS (Word, Phrase, Sentence) for pgs. 56-59

3. Review 24 W.E. (Word essay) and WPS

4. Write down the empire's accomplishments on the board

5. Take notes in Ch. 6 workbook pages 40-43.

5. Grade the Ch. 5 worksheet from last M/T

6. Do Ch. 6 worksheet 2 sided...

HW: Ch. 6 WS