8th Grade U.S. History

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

4/29 and 4/30 BLOCK Wed. and Thur.

2nd and 3rd hours
1. CNN News  Day 3

2.  Grade the Ch. 28 workbook page notes - 182-186

3. Read Chapter 29 and do the Chapter 29 notes pg. 190-191

4. Contest  - running and pushups if time
HW: Finish the Ch. 29 notes

4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th hours
5. Also do the Ch. 30 reading and the worksheet - Due the next time I see you

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4-28 Tuesday only 4th, 5th , 6th, 7th hours

48 min. classes for only 4th, 5th , 6th, 7th hours (M-step day)

4th and 6th hour
1. CNN
2. Do/ finish notes on Chapter 27 fill in blank
3. Read Chapter 28 and fill in notes  (start)

5th and 7th hours
1. CNN
2. Do chapter 28 reading and notes in workbook pg. 182-186  JUST STEPS 3 and 4

3. If done, Read Chapter 29-31

HW: Be sure Ch. 28 notes are done

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday, 4/27 See All Classes

Genocide - the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

Embargo - an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country

1. CNN News (Week 32)

2. Grade last week's CNN news

3. Read Chapter 28

4. Mr. McHugh will grade the Ch. 27 notes (Athens and Sparta) and pg. 181 in workbook (Venn Diagram)

HW: Finish Reading Chapter 28

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday 4/24 39 minute classes

Happy 10th anniversary to Youtube - the 1st video was from the founders trip to the San Diego Zoo.

1. CNN (write about it if you need to get a 3rd day.   Don't write about it if you are done with all 3 days this week.)

2. Continue with the Chapter 27 notes on pgs. 176-179

3. Do the comparison on pg. 180 - do 4 bullets for each and do the drawings off to the side

HW: Finish the above work.
Be ready for the M-step next week :-)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4/22 Happy Earth Day and 4/23

1.  CNN News ... finish the weekly review

2. Be sure your City-states signs are turned in.

3. Read City-state info.
    Each Group reports out

4. Read Chapter 27 Athens vs. Sparta - take notes in workbook  pg. 176 -179 in workbook
    Check answers??
    If done,  do pg. 175 in the workbook

5. Competition for the Olympics

6. Greek Geography video >>>

HW: Finish Reading Ch. 27 and notes on Athens (at least)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

4/21 Tuesday - 39 min. classses

1. CNN

2. Review the Ch. 26  - 2 int, 2 new, 1 Question

3. Ch. 26 Notes

HW: Signs for your city state

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, 4-20 Boston Marathon Race Day

Tomorrow  (Tues.)= See All Classes - 6,7, Keep 7th, 1, 2, Lunch, 3, 4, 5

1. CNN News - Week 30

2. Correct Last week (wk 29)

3. Read Ch. 26 and do 2 Interesting, 2 New, 1 Question
  TOP = Ch. 26 pg. 253-255
  BOTTOM = Ch. 26 pg.  256-257

4. Meet with groups to coordinate signs - due tomorrow

HW: Finish Ch. 26 WS and Finish Greek Signs

Friday, April 17, 2015


FYI: Next Monday = 6, 7, 1, 2, lunch, 3, 4, 5
Tues./Wed. = Block as normal: Tues= 3,5,7 Wed= 2,4,6
Th. = 3,4,1,2, Lunch, 5,6,7
Fri. = 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, Lunch, 3, 4

1. CNN News

2. Meet with groups to coordinate your City-State signs (5-7 minutes)

3. Take the poll - Republican or Democrat?     http://quiz.lovetoknow.com/educational-quizzes/am-i-republican-democrat-quiz

4. What is a republican vs. a democrat - See this link AFTER you take the quiz: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Democrat_vs_Republican

(Next Week = we learn about the 1st voters on EARTH)

HW: Get your signs done by next Tues./Wed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

4/15 and 16 Wed./Th.

1. CNN
2. Double check your final China slides are correctly dropped into dropbox
3. Finish the Geography Challenge - mapping in the workbook, if not done.

4. Read Chapter 25
5. Do Ch. 25 notes

6. Go over the notes

7. 10 minute Washington DC presentation (7th grade meeting next Tuesday, April 21 @ 6:30pm in cafeteria)

8. Sign competition - Due Mon./Tues.

HW: Signs?  Missing work?

Monday, April 13, 2015

4/13 and 14 M/T

1. CNN

2. New seating chart

3. Grade China Slideshows

4. Greek Survey

5. Greek geography challenge

6. Read Chapter 25

7. Fill out Ch. 25 Notes

HW: Finish the Ch. 25 notes

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

4/1 and 2 Wed./TH. No Foolin

1. CNN Student News

2. Dropbox your work - be sure it is hr_username20_China

3. Ancient China video

4. One Child Policy videos

HW: Enjoy your break