8th Grade U.S. History

Friday, January 30, 2015

1-30 Friday

*Econ quiz next Wed./Thur.

1. Turn in the Chapter 16 Dig Deeper Worksheet to Mr. McHugh Have the Ch. 16 WS ready for M/T

2. Watch CNN - do the daily and weekly review

3. Get Econ words 21-30 Market Economy - Producer

HW:  Quiz over Econ next Wed./Thur.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wed./Thur. January 28 and 29

1. CNN Student News

2. 2 minutes to study for quiz then Economics quiz #2 - words 11-20

3. Do Chapter 15 worksheet -

4. Discuss and go over the answers

5. Do pg. 107 in the workbook and discuss

6. Read Chapter 16 do a 5 W sheet

7. Discuss 5W sheet - Pick best item to share with group

8. Do the Dig Deeper for Chapter 16 - Due Friday, Yes Friday

9. India movie if time

HW: Make sure the Dig Deeper paper is done by FRIDAY, Yes FRIDAY

Monday, January 26, 2015

1-26 and 1-27 M/T

1. Turn in Ch. 15 WS

2. CNN

3.  Correct CNN from Week 18 and 19

4. Correct Ch. 15 WS

5. Hindu Wedding impressions write and discuss

6. Do the Chapter 15 WS and Go over the answers (Mult. Choice)

7. Study for the 10 Economic words
8. Econo-bingo (20-30 minutes)

HW: Study for Econ Quiz

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday, 1-23

1. CNN News

2. Finish work on the Ch. 15 Dig Deeper Worksheet

3. India Video

HW: Do you need to finish the Ch. 15 worksheet?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1-21 and 1-22 Wed./Thur.

1. CNN Student News

2. Economic words #11-20 pretest and study guide

3. What do you know about Hinduism?

4. Read Ch. 15 and fill out worksheet

5. India video

6. Ch. 15 "Dig Deeper" worksheet.

HW: Finish the "Dig Deeper" worksheet

Monday, January 19, 2015

M/T 1-19 and 20 Happy MLK jr. day

1. CNN News  (Monday's will be from 1-15 because CNN is off today)

2. Econ quiz  words 1-10

3. Check Grades - get papers back

4. MLK jr. bio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ank52Zi_S0

5. SELMA video and I have a dream speech.

6. Should we have school today or not?

7. MLK jr. crossword puzzle

7. Hindu Wedding preview  Did not get to this....

8. Read Ch. 15 and do worksheet

HW: Ch. 15 Reading

Friday, January 16, 2015

1-16 Half day of school (25 min. classes)

1.  CNN News Review

2. Study the Econ Words (1-10)

3. Check grades

HW: Have a great weekend

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wed./Thur. Jan. 14 and 15

1. CNN News

2. Finish the Placard Notes and the Ch. 14 worksheet

3. Go over the Ch. 14 Worksheet

4. Study for the Econ Quiz, which is next Mon./Tues. (1st 10 words)

5. Econ-round Bingo

HW: Study if needed, and be ready for M/T quiz

Monday, January 12, 2015

Jan. 12/13 M/T

Econ words quiz next Mon./Tues., this Friday = half day

1. CNN News

2. Grade Week 17 CNN News - last week

3. Grade pg. 91of workbook mapping of Asia/India

4. Econ 1st 10 words pre-test (Barter - Econ. wants)
5. CH. 13 worksheet - Evaluate the best place to live - ratings

6. Ch. 14 placard viewing

7 Read Chapter 14 and do Ch. 14 worksheet

HW: Finish the Ch. 14 worksheet and Chapter 14 reading

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jan. 7 and 8 W/Th

1. CNN News

2. Check Map pg. 91 in workbook

3. Take the Geography bee: Geog. Bee Link 

4. Grade the week 16 CNN (from before break)

5.  Read Chapter 13

6. Ch. 13 worksheet

Geog. Bee Finals?

HW: Finish the Ch. 13 work

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jan. 5 and 6 M/T

1. CNN Student News

2. Pretest for India

3. New Seats

4. Grade the Jewish History Booklets

Look at the % of cultures in the USA vs. our local spots.

Cultural percentages for the USA

5. Fill out the map on Pg. 91 in the workbook.  Use pg. 121 in the textbook.
Be sure to do the key, coloring, cities, mountains, countries, islands, seas, waterways, scale of miles

Finish the map work on pg. 91. Do not do pg. 90 in workbook

Put a check mark when you have labeled or done the item below

Things to label or color on pg. 91 of your workbook.  Look at pg. 121 in text for help.

__Create and color the key and the spots on the map where the colors and arrows go (3 different colors that do NOT have to be the same as the book)

__Scale of Miles
__Compass Rose

__Arabian Sea
__Indian Ocean
__Bay of Bengal
__South China Sea
__Pacific Ocean
__Indus River
__Ganges River
__Kapilavastu (Buddha’s birthplace)
__Bodh Gaya

Monday, January 5, 2015

Dec. 22 Friday

1. Be sure that your Booklet is turned in

2. Play the Econobingo game

HW: Have a great break