8th Grade U.S. History

Monday, November 25, 2013

M/T 11-25 and 26

1. Check Grades and emails - all papers have been graded (that were handed in by last Friday)

Take the vocabulary quiz if you need to.... (absent last week Friday)

2. CNN News
3. History of Thanksgiving

4. Homework Check based on pg. 32-35 in the workbook

5. Do the Ch. 5 re-enforcing worksheet - 2 sided

6. Read Ch. 6

HW: Do the Ch. 5 Worksheet and Finish the Ch. 6 reading

Friday, November 22, 2013

11-22 Friday

1. Quiz over the Chapter 4-6 vocabulary

2. Have you seen the computerized book?
    *Have you seen the online copied book (someone else put online).

3. Finish your workbook drawings and notes on pgs. 32-35

4. This day in history: President JFK was killed

5. CNN News

HW: For Monday/Tuesday have the Ch. 5 drawings and notes in the workbook done

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11-20 and 21 Wed./Th.

FYI: Vocab Quiz on Friday
11-20 is Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day  (G.O.H.A.R.D.)

1. Ch. 5 Think Aloud - Turn it in

2. Study Vocab for quiz on Friday

3. Grade the Think Aloud

4. Draw pictures on pgs. 32-35  (NOT 37-38)

5. Do Ch. 5 Notes on pages 32-35

HW: Be done with the notes by Monday.  Study for quiz on Friday.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11-19 Tuesday - See all classes

Looking ahead:
W/Th = Block  working on Ch. 5 work
Fri = SAC (See All Classes) and Vocab quiz.

1. Drop into dropbox the Vocab/pics/explanations

2. Read Chapter 5 and do Think Aloud

3. Begin Drawings for Ch. 5 in workbook


HW: Be sure the Think Aloud for Ch. 5 is done (Vocab should be dropped

Monday, November 18, 2013

11-18 half day 25 minute classes

1. Finalize and dropbox your Ch. 4-6 vocab/pics/explanations

2. CNN News

3. Finish any missing or later work.

HW: No, but be sure the vocab is done

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, 11-15

1. Continue working on Ch. 4-6 vocab, pictures, and explanations

2. Mr. McHugh will check your pg. 30 work for 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours.

HW: Vocab is due on M/T when you walk in.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wed./Thur. 11-13 and 14

1. Turn in your Ch. 4 worksheet

2. Watch the iprocrastinate tutorial
    Plan something

3. Correct Chapter 4 worksheet

4. Create table for vocabulary
Chapter 4-6 vocab with pictures
     Use the definitions from the book  (not an online/computer dictionary)

5. Watch the ending of the Towns and Villages video.

HW:  Finish the Ch. 4-6 vocab

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mon./ Tues. 11-11-13 and 11-12-13 (That is a rare date....)

1. Check grades

2. CNN Student news - Monday's edition - Honoring Veterans

3. Finish the coloring of Ch. 4 pg. 28-29. 
     4. Grade/Correct the coloring of 28-29

5. Pg. 30 in the workbook - see the directions and examples (title, 3 pics of solutions, etc...)

6. Ch. 4 worksheet

7. video of 1st towns and villages

HW:  Any work from above - especially note the Ch. 4 worksheet

Looking ahead
Correct ch. 4 ws
Ch 4-6 vocab on paper or computer - drop box it
Watch remaining iprocrastinate video
Vocab quiz

Friday 11-8

1. Finish Chapter 4 notes in the workbook pg. 28-29

2. Color the pictures.

HW: Finalize the drawings on pg. 28-29

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

W/Th. Nov. 6 and 7 BLOCKS

1. Talk about the Poop video questions

2. Discuss pg. 27 in the workbook  - problem and solutions

3. Read Ch. 4    Do 24 word essay on pg. 33-36
 Do "Word, Phrase, Sentence" for pg. 37-39

4. Share the info

5. Take notes on Ch. 4 in workbook pgs. 28-29

6. Draw and color for those pages

HW: Be sure all is done above, if not done in class

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mon. / Tues. November 4 and 5

1st official day of the 2nd Quarter.  Your tardies and grades start fresh.

1. Quick 5 minutes of Test Helper study time

2. Couple quick questions

3. Take Test on Ch. 1-3

4. When done with the test, do pg. 27 in the workbook (sentence and picture for each side)

5. Correct Test?

6. Pass papers back and check your grades - final for report cards

7. Poop to Profit video - answer questions about it.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday, 1/2 day of school

1. Finalize your Test Helper answers

2. Study game

HW: Study.  Quiz another person.  Have another person (brother, sister, parent) quiz you.