8th Grade U.S. History

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10-30 and 31 W/TH

1. Take the survey for Mr. Ray - in your email

2. Grade the Comic Books - see rubric

3. Grade the Ch. 3 worksheet

4. Work time on the Ch. 1-3 Test Helper

HW: Test Helper is due FRIDAY

Friday is a study activity day - to prep for the M/T test.

Monday, October 28, 2013

10/28 and 29 M/T

1. Review directions for the Cartoon booklet
    Reminder to put the topic on the top of each page (Food Supply, Jobs, Trade, Community, or Permanent Shelter).  Remember you pick 3.

    Also, remember that you need to use the info. from the workbook, pages 22-27, to make the comics from that.

2. Work time on doing the drawings and comics

3. Color and decorate the comic books  - Due Wed./Th. Oct. 30/31

4. Do the Ch. 3 worksheet - Due W/Th. Oct 30/31

5. Begin working on the "Test Helper", due to be done on Friday

HW: Finish the comic/cartoon booklet and the Ch. 3 worksheet.   Begin the studying process for the test next M/T  Nov. 4/5

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, Oct. 25

1. Final directions and work on Comic Books

   Step 1.  Pick the 3 items that are the most important in neolithic times
   Step 2.  Write and draw the comics
Have steps 1-2 done by Mon./Tuesday.
   Step 3.  Color and decorate the comics  (will do M/T)
   Step 4.  Do the cover page

2. Due dates coming up:
   M/T = Finish work time on comics and do Ch. 3 worksheet.....and get the study guide for Ch. 1-3 test
   W/Th = Correct the comics and the Ch. 3 WS    And, some work time on the study guide
   Friday = Study day/study activity
   M/T = Test over Ch. 1-3

HW: Be done with comic drawings and be ready to color and decorate on M/T

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wed./Thur. 10/23 and 24

1. Pre-test for year's info. (No worries, this is not something you could have studied for.  You will be tested again near the end of the year to see your progress. )

2. Go over Cartoon Booklet directions

3. Work Time on the Cartoon Booklet - Due next Monday/Tuesday.

HW: You decide.... based on due dates.  Test next week over Chapter 1-3.

Monday, October 21, 2013

10/21 and 22 M/T

1. Draw a world map of the earth - we will eventually compare it with the beginning of the year's map

2. Watch CNN news
3. Get all Papers back
      Watch Agricultural video

4. Put Symbaloo (all the teacher's webpages) on your computer browser's tool bar.

5. Take notes on Chapter 3 - in workbook

6. Go over directions for Ch. 3 Cartoon book (cover, and 3 pages)
7. Begin if time....
HW: Gather CH. 3 ideas- we will work on it more on Wed./Thur.

Looking ahead: Friday will be the Ch. 3 worksheet, Next week Wed./Thur. will be the Chapter 1-3 test

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thur./Fri. 10-17 and 10-18

1. Review and discuss the 24 word essay for pg. 28-31 (Ch. 3)

2. Discuss pg. 21 in the workbook


3. Look at Farming Video vocab

4. Watch video about 1st Farmers

5. Judge the Best Super Hominids

HW: Do any late or missing work.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

MEAP day T/W 10/15 and 16

1. New Seats

2. Correct Ch. 2 Worksheet

3. Review and share the 24 word essay for pg. 25-27

4. Do 24 word  essay for pgs. 28-31

HW: 24 word essay for pg. 28-31

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, See All Classes Day

1. Correct the Hominid Drawings

2. Read Ch. 3

3. Do a 24 word essay for pg. 25-27

HW: 24 word essay paper

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Th. 10/10 and Friday 10/11

1. Check grades in teacherease

*Turn in the Hominid Internet Questions

2. Finish Hominid Drawings - see sticky rubric

3. Do Chapter 2 worksheet

4. Do pg. 21 in workbook (an intro to Ch. 3)

**hand back papers

HW: Get all items above done by Monday (see all classes day)

fyi: next T/W are block and TH/F are block

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

MEAP day Oct. 8 and 9 BLOCK

1. Work on and finish the Hominid questions.  Look at the 1st link under "Mclinks" to the right.

2. Start the Hominid Drawings - follow the directions

HW: Finish the Hominid internet work

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday 10-7 See All Classes

*  MEAP starts tomorrow.  Eat well, get rest, and get exercise.

Schedule for tomorrow will be MEAP for 2 hrs, then 3,4, Lunch, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2. Classes are 38 minutes long. 

1. Take a homework check over the Ch. 2 reading notes. Like a quiz, but you can use your workbook to help answer questions. 

We will finish this on Tues.>>>2. Work and finish the Hominid internet WS - Past and Future

HW: None

Friday, October 4, 2013

Homecoming Friday 10/4

1. Any updates on the Government Shutdown??

2. Finish pgs. 14-18 in the workbook - check answers

3. When done, do the computer assignment on the Hominids

HW: Be sure workbook pgs. 14-18 are done.    Hominid worksheet??  

Advisory website for setting goals

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wed./Thur. Oct. 2 and 3

1. CNN - Government shutdown

2. Think Aloud - Share and turn in

3. Ardi - Article and word/ phrase/ sentence

4. Pg. 14-18 of the workbook ....Due M/T

HW: Finish the pg. 14-18 Workbook