8th Grade U.S. History

Friday, December 21, 2012

12-21 Friday advisory

Take a look at theses 7 dooms day failures of the past.   (We are still here, right!?)


1. Check Grades, missing work, emails

2. Watch video about Egyptian Pyramids

3. Hand in Ch. 8 Think Aloud

HW: Be sure Ch. 8 Think Aloud is done.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12-19 and 20 W/Th

1. Grade the Chapter 7 workbook, pages 54-57

2. Grade the Ch. 7 worksheet Multiple Choice

3. Pg. 58 in workbook - Michigan Map - You may use a blank paper

4. Read Ch. 8 - Do think Aloud paper

5. Read about Pyramids

6. ??CNN or Ch. 8 notes??

HW: Be sure MI map is done and Ch. 8 Think Aloud is done.

Monday, December 17, 2012

M/T 12-17 and 18

1. Geography Bee

Drop box vocab if needed  - hour_username18_Vocab 7-10

2. Correct Vocab

3. Do workbook pg. 53

4. Read Ch. 7

5. Do Ch. 7 Notes in workbook

6. Ch. 7 worksheet

HW: Ch. 7 worksheet

Friday, December 14, 2012

1. Answer questions about pg. 50-51. 

2. Work on Ch 7-10 vocabulary on computer

3. Geography Bee

HW: Finish the vocab for M/T

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12-12 and 13 W/Th

1. Geography Bee

2. Review/discuss pg. 46-47 in the workbook (use 60-61 in text for help)

3. Start Workbook mapping pg. 50-51 in workbook (Due Friday when you walk in)

4. Do the Chapter 7-10 vocab - get pushed from Lanschool or create on own (20 words).  (Due M/T when you walk in)

    Ms. Glenn's party is Friday!  Bring in food/drink items and gift basket items.

Workbook pg. 50 and 51 - due Friday
Ch. 7, 8, 9, 10 vocab -due M/T

Monday, December 10, 2012

12-10 and 11 M/T

1. Grade Empire writings

2. Share Empire writings

3. Do pg. 46-47 in workbook - use pg. 60-61 in text.  Discuss.

4. New “Meet me at Maps”

5. Start pg. 50-51 in workbook  -Mapping activity.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, Dec. 7

1. See writing details below

2. Mr. McHugh will tell you which printer to print to.

3. Watch CNN if time

4. Geography bee

5.  If time, Do pg. 46-47 in workbook.  Use pg. 60-61 in book to help.

Read Ch. 7 if time

HW: No

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Typing requirements

Stick with the topic
Write legibly
Add a title (put it in the head)
Beginning, Middle, Ending
Indent paragraphs

In the header - put the title, your name, your hour

SAVE IT AS: hr_usernameyear18_Empire

Use size 14 font and an easily readable font

Proofread it!!

Spell check it!!

12/5 and 6 Wed./Th.

1. Hand papers back

2. Outline directions - examples

3. Time to work on outlines

4. Geography Bee

5. Get outline OK'd by teacher

6.  Write it on Pages
Proofread  it - See detailed handout with SWABI, etc...

7. Dropbox it by 8am Friday

If time, Do pg. 46-47 in workbook.  Use pg. 60-61 in book to help.
Read Ch. 7 if time

Finish writing and Dropbox by Friday 8am

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dec. 3 and 4th. M/T Block

1. Geography Bee

2. Grade Dropbox Characteristics of Civilization papers

3. Notes on Empires - complete listing of each empire

4. Most accomplished empire is... well, it depends on your opinion....

5. Begin Writing outlines  - get it checked a teacher

6. Grade pg. 40-43 while students are doing outlines

HW: Finish the outlines