8th Grade U.S. History

Monday, January 30, 2012

Mon./Tues Jan. 30 and 31

1. Check Teacherease grades and missing work

2. Grade Vocab

3. Grade Rough Draft for the writing

4. Peer Editing and suggestions

5. Writing time to finish for Wed./Thur.

HW: Write and finish your "journal" for being a Greek Kid

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday, 1-27

Half Day

1. Cover any questions about the Greek writing

     Get the circle graphic organizer, if you want it

Due: M/T with a rough draft, W/TH with final draft

2. Turn in any last assignments for 2nd quarter

3. Percy Jackson Movie

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jan. 24 and 25 Wed./Thur.

1. Do vocabulary on your computers for Chapters 25-28. 
       Do the definitions.
       Save it to the desktop
      If time, research presidential candidates by clicking on the votesmart.org website.

2.  Introduce the Writing about living in Greece
        Write some here and some at home.
      Rough draft due on Mon/Tues.
3. Watch about 20 min. of Percy Jackson

HW: Writing for living in Greece

Monday, January 23, 2012

1-23 and 1-24 M/T

1. Turn in artwork/sign for city-state

2. Correct pg. 168-169 in workbook

3. Listen to songs for Greece

4. ID the city-states that are: faming/non farming/trading, and colonies

5. Wall sit

6. CNN student news if time (Probably yes in 1, 2, 3, 4, no 5, 6)

If time: Look these up: VoteEasy (www.votesmart.org/voteeasy   http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/candidate-match-game

FYI: We will writing about being a 12-13 year Greek child..... on Wed./Thur.

HW: No

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1-19 and 20 Th./Fri. Block days

1. Collect grades for the Geog. Challenge - pg. 166-167 in workbook

2. Contest

3. Time to finish pg. 168 and 169 in workbook (Ch. 25 notes)

4. Read Comic Books

5. Do Crossword puzzles

6. Percy Jackson

HW: Be sure the pg. 168 and 169 in workbook are done

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tues./Wed. 1/17 and 18

1. Grade the Geography Challenge

2.  Look up and report facts about MLK jr.    

3. Read Chapter 25 as a class -
    Take turns reading and take volunteers when reading.    
4. Have partner groups at their table groups answer questions on pg. 168-169

5. Give time to work on their sign for their city-state sign.  Art work for your city-state due next Monday/ Tues.

6. If time - CNN student News


Friday, January 13, 2012

Frid. 1-13

1. Finish the Geography Challenge  - pg. 166-167 in workbook and pg. 245-6 in textbook

2. IF TIME, we will watch Percy Jackson

HW: Be sure the Geo. Challenge is done.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wed./Thur. 1-11 and 12

1. New Seats

2. Grade pg. 86-87 in workbook- The Timeline for Egypt and Caanan

3. Contest - art and push-ups

4. Unit 5 Geog. Challenge in workbook - pg. 166-167   using pg. 245-6 in text.

5. Percy Jackson - some of the movie Did not get to this today.

HW: Be sure the pg. 166-167 workbook is completely done....although it should be done in class.    We will finish the Geog. Challenge in class on Friday.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mon./Tues. 1-10 and 11

1. Holocaust Reflection

2. Timeline in workbook pg. 86-87  Use pg. 118 in the textbook

3. Greek video  - Intro to Ancient Greece

4. New Seating Chart...will be done on Wed./THur.

5. Greek contests......coming up throughout the Greek Unit.

HW: No

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jan. 4 and 5 Wed. and Th.

Happy New Year!!

5th hr, 2nd hr, and 6th hr. all need to finish the Geography Bee.

1. CNN Student News

2. Holocaust Vocabulary

3. Read about the History Leading to the Holocaust - Roots of Anti-Semitism


4. Read a very brief History of WWI and WWII

5. Behavior and Details of the Field Trip
    Chaperones, Lunch, Busses, Tour Groups, IPods/phones (You may bring, but absolutely not seen at HMC or mall....or busses, power down at MHC and mall), Questions

HW: Bring a lunch or $$ on Friday