8th Grade U.S. History

Monday, October 31, 2011

Mon/Tue. 10-31 and Nov. 1

* All late and Absent work for 1st quarter is due Nov. 1.
**What reminder system do you use?

1. Check your grades  - look at the detailed assignments - missing and scored

2. CNN News....relate it to history

3.  Do pg. 27 in the workbook

4. Map of the Zagros Mountains and fertile crescent

5. Play audio of problems

6. Read Chapter 4

7. Take notes on overhead

8. Draw pictures related to notes

9.  Do Ch. 4 WS

HW: Ch. 4  WS

Fri. Oct. 28

Test over Chapters 1-3

Turn in your Test Helper Paper

End of the quarter is NEAR.  All work needs to be in by Tues. Nov. 1

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wed./Thur. 10/26 and 27

Hand in study guide to Mr. McHugh

1. CNN Student News

2. Read pg. 26 in textbook 3rd paragraph

3. Correct the Ch. 3

4.  Compare answers on Test Helper and match up with worksheets

5. Study on own

6. Study Activity

HW: Test on Friday - Study  (quiz a friend, have a family member quiz you, re-read, write down answers)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mon./Tues. 10-24/25

1. Check your grade/s on teacherease.  And, check your school email.


2. Get with your group of 4 and work to finish the workbook notes on pg. 22-26.

3. Do Ch. 3 worksheet front and back  (Do this as a group also....making sure each one has similar answers)


4. Work on the Test Helper - by yourself.  Also, you will want to look at past worksheets in order to help you.  And, you will need to look in the book for answers.

5. If done with Test Helper early, you may study with a partner quizzing each other.

HW: Due Wed./Thur: Ch. 3 WS and the Test Helper

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thur./Fri. 10-20 and 21

CNN Student news

1. Correct Ch. 1-2 worksheet

2. Discuss and do pg. 21 in workbook

3. Read Sect. 1-2 in book as class and then read in groups of 4

4. Do pg. 22-26 in workbook.  I will put you in groups.
      Follow directions of jobs

5.   Get Test Helper - Ch. 1-3 test next Wed./Thur.

HW: Begin Test Helper WS

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wed. 10-19

1. Ch. 1 and 2 worksheets

Be careful with the directions on the back of Ch. 1 - it needs details.

2. If done, start work on pg. 21 in the workbook

HW: Finish the worksheets above.  We will finish pg. 21 in class.

Tuesday, 10/18


1. Watch Farming video

2. Get papers back

HW: no

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mon. 10-17

1. CNN student news

2. Grade Super Hominids

3. Start "First Farmers" video
    Get papers back while movie is playing

4. Check your grades

HW: No

Friday, Oct. 14

Movie with Irish Pirates

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, 10-13

MEAP Testing all day.  No assignment.  Have the Super Hero Hominids ready for Monday.  You should also be done with the interactive website questions from Monday 10-10-11.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wed. 10-12

1. Check your grade and missing work in teacher ease.  Turn in missing or absent work to the tray.

2. Continue work on the Super Hominid

3. Be sure your interactive website activity is done from Monday.

HW: Super Hominid and any late/absent work.  These things should be ready for MONDAY.  Thursday is MEAP day again, Friday is a team activity for Irish Pirates, and then Monday is a SAC day. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, 10-11

1. Take homework check for Ch. 1-3 vocab

2. Work on super hero hominids

HW: no, we will finish the super heros in class wednesday

Monday, 10-10

1. Hand in vocab and pictures to the tray

2. Do the worksheet related to the ancient hominid website.  Click on below...

HW: No

Friday, October 7, 2011

10-7 Friday

1. Take Homework Check (like a quiz, but you can use your workbook.)

2. Answer questions about the Hominids.  Click on link below.

HW: Finish the vocab and pictures - label the pictures saying what it is doing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cool website about ancient hominids

Click on this for the cool interactive website

Wed./Thur. 10/5 and 6

1. Brianna Amat video

2. Grade and discuss pg. 12-13

3. Read and discuss the giggles of Ch. 2

4. Work on pg. 14-18 in workbook

5. Ch. 1-3 vocabulary and pictures

HW: Pg. 14-18 in workbook and the vocab/pictures

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mon./Tues. 10/3 and 10/4

1. Take Pre-test for the year

2. Grade pg. 10-11 in workbook

3. Time for pg. 12 and discuss

4. Do 13 in workbook

5. Read Sect. 2.1 summarize and predict

6. Do pg. 14 as an example - If time -  Read and do 15-18

HW: Be sure pg. 12 and 13 are done in workbook